martes, 2 de junio de 2015

The story of my life (Anne Frank)

Tuenesday, 14 April 2015
"Let's start whith the story of my life", My name is Daniel and I was born 5/27/ 98 in Mexico butmeand my famili (Mom,Dad and Sister) we mobed to Adrogue.I have one dog and one cat that are very fonny and they like to play.
I am intelligent from my point of vieu but I love to go to school and I love to skate in the ramps and that make me remember one day that was very strange and nice.
I got up and I went to school skating, but this day the police was in the school. I was scared and asked "What happened?" and the police answerd"In the strit there is a mad runing and shouting "Gosts gosts!", he can heart some one. no classes".
I went to the skating place and in the way I found the mad man that the police was luking for.He was coming and I was scared.When he was here he said "Hello" and I felt confused and I said "Hello" he was a friendly man but he didn't have meny friends He showed me many things.I said "It is to late , I have to go home , bye."and I came here.Bye Bro.

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