jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

The mystery of the world.

The world is formed by many layers. One layer is called lithosphere. The lithosphere is the most important layer for people. It is not a complete layer, it is made of seven big plate tectonics and some more smaller. In some places plates aren’t stable because the plates are moving, and when they move they can cause big disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, faults, volcanic activity and mountains.
There are three different movements: One of them is the conservative that is the effect of two different plates that move to the same direction and one is faster than the other. The second movement is the constructive movement that is the effect of  two plate tectonics colliding. The third movement  is the destructive movement that is the effect of an oceanic plate  subducted under a continental plate.
The earthquakes, tsunamis and faults are formed by a conservative movement. The volcanoes are formed by a destructive movement because when the oceanic plate subducts the rock melts and create magma that goes to the surface in form of an eruption and the mountain is formed because of a constructive movement.
In conclusion, the world is bigger than we think and it is always moving.

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